The fun continues.... Lhasa apsos today were judged by Mr. Kenneth Crockett from Ireland and our winners totally switched around. Best bitch and Best of Breed went to "Pia" Ch. Tai Fanza Witchcraft, who later also placed Best in Group-3 under the same judge. BOS from the junior class as well as best junior in breed went to "Romeo", Tai Fanza Ballroom Blitz. They were again shown as brace couple and won BEST IN SHOW brace couple under Mr. Crockett. Together with Ch. Tai Fanza Sen Sei Sha, who was 1st in Open bitch class, they went all the way to BEST IN SHOW breeder's group under Mr. Gerard Cox of Ireland. "Rex" Ch. Chic Choix Rembrandt was 1st in Champion dog class and "Rumba" Tai Fanza Floozie In Jacuzzi went 1st in Junior bitch class with her first Lithuanian JCC. Baby "Rossie" Chic Choix Gentlemen Prefer Chic was best baby in breed and went all the way to BEST IN SHOW baby under Mr. Bojan Matakovic (pictured) while "Sushi" Ch. Chic Choix Starlight Parti once again best veteran in breed and BEST IN SHOW veteran under Mr. Gerard Cox. My heartfelt thank you goes to handler sisters Ineta Stonkute and Evelina Stonkute and my friend Diana Vasiliauskaite for all the help over the weekend. Definately a weekend to remember!
