We had three International shows held in Vilnius on March 8th-10th. On Friday, Lhasa apsos were judged by Mrs. Livija Zizevske from Lithuania. BOB and BOS as well as the CACIBs went to our team, "Silverado" Ch. Chic Choix Sixth Sense and "Pia" Ch. Tai Fanza Witchcraft respectively. CAC and RCACIB in females went to "Seisha" Ch. Tai Fanza Sen Sei Sha. BOB-veteran was "Sushi" Ch. Chic Choix Starlight Parti.

On Saturday there was Lithuanian Winner show held. Lhasa apsos were judged by breed specialist Mr. Torbjorn Skaar from Sweden. "Silverado" Ch. Chic Choix Sixth Sense once again won BOB with CACIB and new title of Lithuanian Winner 2019 and his daughter "Seisha" Ch. Tai Fanza Sen Sei Sha went BOS with her very first CACIB and the title of Lithuanian Winner 2019! RCACIB went to the champion class winner "Pia" Ch. Tai Fanza Witchcraft. Our juniors "Romeo" Tai Fanza Ballroom Blitz and "Rumba" Tai Fanza Floozie in Jacuzzi were both excellent 2nd in their classes. BOB veteran went to "Sushi" Ch. Chic Choix Starlight Parti, who ended up BEST VETERAN IN SHOW-2 under Mrs. Olga Kisliakova of Belarus and "Silverado" was placed BEST IN GROUP-2 under Ms. Ilga Siil of Estonia. Furthermore, Silverado went runner up Best Lithuanian Owned Dog in the special contest judged by Mrs. Ludmila Nikitina of Russia.
On Sunday there were only two lhasas shown from us, BOB veteran was once again "Sushi" Ch. Chic Choix Starlight Parti and BOB CACIB CAC went to "Pia" Ch. Tai Fanza Witchcraft. They were judged by Mrs. Irina Azen of Belarus.